We sinned, and were exposed to the curse. The Word that was with God, and was God, then was made flesh. The eternal Son became:
- our brother;
- took upon Himself our sin, in the way of a mysterious imputation;
- paid our debt to the majesty of the inviolable law;
- covered our nakedness with His righteousness;
- presented us, as those in whose stead He appeared, blameless and acceptable to the Father;
- excited the hallelujahs of angels at our exaltation;
- elevated us to a participation of His own riches, blessedness, and privileges;
- pitched tents of peace for us around the throne of God;
- and connected us with Himself by the bonds of eternal gratitude and affection.
------- From The Suffering Saviour by F. W. Krummacher
God forgive me when I take these eternal blessings for granted by sinning against You.