Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Work of Christ for Sinners

We sinned, and were exposed to the curse. The Word that was with God, and was God, then was made flesh. The eternal Son became:
  • our brother;
  • took upon Himself our sin, in the way of a mysterious imputation;
  • paid our debt to the majesty of the inviolable law;
  • covered our nakedness with His righteousness;
  • presented us, as those in whose stead He appeared, blameless and acceptable to the Father;
  • excited the hallelujahs of angels at our exaltation;
  • elevated us to a participation of His own riches, blessedness, and privileges;
  • pitched tents of peace for us around the throne of God;
  • and connected us with Himself by the bonds of eternal gratitude and affection.
Such is the edifice which the Almighty reared upon the ruins of sin; and of which the disciples, at that time, had not the remotest idea.

------- From The Suffering Saviour by F. W. Krummacher

God forgive me when I take these eternal blessings for granted by sinning against You.

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